Cryptography Featured RSA keys are not deprecated; SHA-1 signature scheme is! Debugging "send_pubkey_test: no mutual signature algorithm" errors and demystifying the deprecation of "ssh-rsa" signature scheme in OpenSSH 8.8
Kubernetes Featured Auto-renew TLS Certificates with cert-manager Deploy and configure cert-manager to automatically renew and forget about TLS certificates in your Kubernetes cluster, Raspberry Pi or not.
Kubernetes Featured Deploy Traefik on Kubernetes with Wildcard TLS Certs How to painlessly deploy and configure Traefik v2 on Kubernetes as the Ingress Controller with automated Let's Encrypt ACME wildcard TLS certs.
Kubernetes Featured Kubernetes Ingress Controllers: Why I Chose Traefik First of a 2-part series on my experience with Traefik for the past 3 years. Part 2 will focus on how you can deploy it on your Kubernetes cluster.
Kubernetes My Kubernetes Dashboard and How To Deploy Yours My experiences with the Kubernetes Dashboard and a step-by-step tutorial on how you can deploy your own instance on your Raspberry Pi Kubernetes cluster.
Kubernetes Run Kubernetes on your Raspberry Pi cluster with k3s Some fun facts about Kubernetes that you probably didn't know, caveats when running it on Raspberry Pi, and how you can set up your own cluster with k3s.
Kubernetes The Flaw in BGP Load-balancing in MetalLB I was blindsided by the unavoidable violation of separation of concerns.